Saturday, December 12, 2015


This is a happy blog, a place of gratitude and reverence.

My grandma passed away yesterday.  Prior to her passing she spent several peaceful days in hospice. Robert and I were very fortunate to be able to fly down to Tucson to say goodbye to her and be with family.  

I'm thankful that a special coworker and friend, Caitlin, was with me when my brother Scott called me at work to tell me I needed to get to Tucson as soon as possible.  And thank you Scott, for calling me just in time.  

Thank you to Robert for thinking of taking an earlier flight to Phoenix which put us in Tucson an hour and half sooner and gave us the opportunity to shoot the shit one last time with my grandma and brothers, Rusty-James and Scott.  It was a conversation bursting with joy and memories and ordinary everyday chit chat.  

Thank you to Hunter, another special friend, who rushed in to take care of Rose and Ella and pamper them with kitty water, Christmas music and even a playdate with a lab.  

I appreciate the generous attention and comfort the hospice gave to grandma and how easy they made it for our noisy family to stay with her every hour until she found the key to set herself free.  

My grandma lived a long and vibrant life.  She was not only there for me during every big moment in my life, she was also there for all the small moments that filled the chinks between the big moments.  She took care of me every time I was sick.  She taught me how to cook and take care of others.  She gave me warmth, loyalty and buttloads of humor.  When I wronged her she always forgave me.  All the countless games of Skip-bo, holidays, every family birthday and the many Saturday nights watching Lawrence Welk are memories that will always live with me.  Thank you, grandma.  

While all of my older pictures of grandma are packed away due to the remodel I did find many favorites.

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