The other day I was out riding my bike. I saw a big ol' lug of a dog galavanting around. So I jumped off my bike, and having done this before, prepared myself for indifference, or worse, a distressed animal who would flee. I started to holler, "look at the wittle baby," and I kid you not, this giant beast of a dog (a rot mix) took three giant leaps across the road (no traffic) and landed on me before I even finished my sentence. There wasn't a moment to brace myself. In less than five seconds I was on the ground, covered in drool. Folks, I have two golden retrievers. I can handle friendliness. This dog was like five golden retrievers in both size and personality. I called his mommy, who happened to be out looking for him, and reluctantly said goodbye. For a good five blocks afterwards the drool rained from my arms and hands like some kind of fowl rain.
It was a glorious morning.
I leave you with some Macklemore.
Yes, Again…
15 hours ago
You can leave me with Macklemore anytime.