Thursday, March 23, 2023

Grammar, Grandmas, and Puffball Farts

Reviews!  Beginning with the most compelling read first. ๐Ÿ˜†

The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation by Jane Straus and Lester Kaufman (Adult Nonfiction)

This is organized so well! It's super easy to find answers to all your grammar and punctuation questions. Also, if you're in the mood for some serious fun, don't miss the quizzes at the end!

Nana, Nenek & Nina by Liza Ferneyhough (Picture Book)

Nina lives in California, and her grandmothers live outside the country. Nina’s Nenek lives in Malaysia, and her Nana lives in England. Each page spread shows her visits with her Nenek on one side and her visits with Nana on the other. I thought the layout of this beautifully and densely illustrated picture book was a wonderful way to display the differences between her visits to Malaysia and England. I completely disappeared in the illustrations and Nina’s adventures and really enjoyed living two experiences at the same time. 

The Mushroom Fan Club by Elise Gravel (Nonfiction Picture Book)

A quick and simple introduction to mushrooms including delightful and zany illustrations and extra information I didn't know about like boletes, puffball farts, and how to make spore prints.

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