We've been slowly replacing our rugs.
I've totally captured your attention with that first line, haven't I?
With the exception of our living room rug, which is too big, we have been purchasing Ruggable rugs and are loving them so far. My hope is they last a good ten years, but with dogs, who knows what will happen.
Please pardon our mess! We got the dining room rug right before we left for vacation. So we weren't even completely unpacked before we were ripping open the Ruggable box. Margo also enjoys sharing her drool, so there are some lovely slime spots here and there. Any time we turn on the lights, it looks like we've been slimed.

In one of the pictures you can see a little bit of all the rugs. We purchased two entryway rugs because Margo, the poor dear, made it very clear she needs a runner between the living room rug and the entryway rug. Wood floors are no joke for paws! Our living room rug is actually my favorite. I did not want a solid rug for either the dining room or living room. Not my cup of tea. So I tried to do that thing all the smart design people talk about, which is to take two different patterns and make sure they are scaled differently. What a great excuse to buy a rug with mega citrus fruit on it, right? I'm thinking it will go with everything.
You'll also notice we finally got pendant lights for the kitchen. It was not an easy task, because we had a strong idea of what we wanted and a very specific size too. It was nearly impossible, but it finally happened. We also finally bought a mirror for the downstairs guest bath but are now having anxiety about drilling into the tile (stay tuned for pictures in oh, about five years or so). We have another mirror to install in a guest bathroom upstairs and lights for three of the four bathrooms that have been on back order for months. Seriously! But we are getting close to being mostly done. This doesn't mean I don't have a mile-long wish list (new porch furniture and some additional landscaping in our front yard) and that we aren't already having some small issues (we need to do some touch-up painting for example). But I'm sure by the time we have it figured out, I will have finally convinced Robert we are really RV/apartment people. 😆
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