Monday, May 6, 2019

good kind of crazy

Life has been pretty darn crazy.  Thankfully it's the good kind of crazy.  

I haven't had much time to post so here's all the beautiful things I've been meaning to share:

A barred owl has been hanging out in our backyard. It's a dream come true, one I never thought would happen in the city.  I'm not sure if he is nesting and the nest is nearby or he is simply enjoying the bunny buffet in our backyard.  For whatever reason, the rabbits still haven't learned that our yard is full of scary dogs and have stashed their baby rabbits all over the yard. They're hidden fairly well in pockets of dog-hair nests, but our puppies have discovered them a couple times already.

Whatever the owl's reason for visiting, we're enjoying his company. He doesn't seem to mind the dogs, which are often let loose in the backyard.  I groomed Ella on the deck the other night and he just ignored us.  If a human comes out alone, however, he usually goes higher in the tree.  While grooming Ella, he eventually flew away, and I was a little disappointed.  Suddenly dozens of birds started screaming ohshitohshitohshit in different bird languages and a nearby crow threw a tornado of a tantrum, whipping leaves everywhere.  I knew the owl must have come back. Sure enough, Ella and I eventually spotted the owl, who was giving us withering looks from the power line.

We've all been taking lots of walks, picking up questionable things and smelling all the flowers we can.

There's also been a lot of baths, but the bliss of running free through the slop is totally worth the mess.

Josie sleeps in a kennel in the master bedroom and Margo sleeps in a kennel in Rachel's bedroom. This has been working out great.  Each dog gets some one-on-one time, and I'm beginning to enjoy Josie's over-the-top lovey-dovey personality.

Ella seems to be enjoying the little stinker too.

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