Over the weekend Robert's cousin, Rachel stayed with us, and when we asked her what she wanted to do she picked hiking. So we picked Kill Creek Park, a place we have never explored.
Before heading out Rachel wisely picked T Loft for breakfast where she had a smoothie and I had an amazing juice and a bowl of quinoa, bananas, chocolate chips and cashews. And also Robert's smoothie, which he didn't drink and politely called 'chew juice.'
Kill Creek Park was a little confusing at first. It took some time to find the hiking trail that went through the woods, but once we found it, the trail immediately blossomed into magic. Our first thrilling find was a bit of scarlet elf cap fungus, which became one of many fungi that we found:
One fungus looked startlingly like a rose-shaped mucus burger, but it refused to let me take a picture worthy of its divine ugliness.
The dogs found and delighted in the creek each time we crossed it. Even if there was only a mere trickle of water the girls lounged gratefully in it:
In addition to the fungi, we found many treasures:
This ringneck tolerated me picking it up but was quite happy when I put him back down. He had a magnificent orange belly but of course he had already been coddled and was quite wiggly and unhappy with us at that point so no orange belly pictures.
I would not advise you to wear this friendship rock around your neck as it weighed at least ten pounds:
I saw this bobbing between two rocks at the top of a waterfall. As it was leathery, putrescent smelling and a little moldy I do believe it was an expired turtle egg:
At some point we popped out of the woods:
And after finding a bench we decided to rest for a bit:

I took the opportunity to finish up volume four of Ms. Marvel. This page is my favorite from the book.

Carol Danvers, talking to Kamala Khan: "Wow that's a neat trick. You seem very... at home in your powers."
Kamala Khan: "It took me a long time to get here. For awhile I just kind of felt weird and gross."
Carol Danvers: "And now?"
Kamala Khan: "Now I feel weird and awesome."
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