Thursday, January 21, 2016

Cape Guy

Robert and I are still at the hospital.  He's working on getting better, and I'm working on my hawkish stare and also my puke-catching ninja skills.  Sigh.  I'm struggling to stay positive because there was another little hiccup - Robert has a bowel blockage due to the morphine which he's no longer on - and there has been little progress today.  I am so eager to get him home so I can nurture him until he runs away screaming.  The best sign that he's all better, right?

I've been organizing a few pictures (see below), sewing something zen (that was almost a casualty of projectile vomit), reading another Susan Branch book (A Fine Romance magically transported me to England the last two days) and researching potential places to submit my poetry to (I'm guessing any journal who publishes Donald Hall and Ted Kooser will probably like my stuff too, right?).  I'm ready to laugh with my bestie again and take him home so we can be with our golden lover pies.  

Until then, there's Cape Guy.  Cape Guy is a sort-of jogger who's faster than pedestrians, more festive than other people because he wears a cape and totally able to zig-zag on and off sidewalks.

Thank you Cape Guy for making my gloomy, snowy day a little brighter.  

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