Tuesday, June 25, 2024


Last summer we splurged and rented someone's pool thanks to Swimply, which is kind of like Airbnb for pools.  There are a few pools on Swimply in the KC metro area that allow dogs, so that's where the splurge comes in.  Robert and I pay very little to swim about once a week at a couple different public pools, but sadly no dogs are allowed.  

Our last goldens, Rose and Ella, thought they needed to rescue us anytime we went swimming with them.  Nothing could convince them otherwise.  Unless we were sitting in a creek with them, it always turned into too much stress for everyone.  Margo and Josie, however, are completely the opposite.  In fact, if they get tired swimming, they come right to us and let us hold them while they take a break.  Yes, there were stairs and a shallow place for them to rest, but that would defeat the purpose of having humans.

After last year's experience, it was at the top of our bucket list this year, and we invited a friend and his kids to come swimming too.  Both dogs and kids were really thrilled to just be hauled around on the giant raft, and Margo and Josie were convinced the kids were going to their best friends ever.  Both kids just started swim lessons, but after about ten minutes in the pool, you would have never guessed it.  They were swimming like pros!  Did Margo and Josie ever realize that the kids were just learning how to swim though?  Nope!  They were completely oblivious.  If you ever need a dog to rescue you for any reason, these two dogs are not it!  

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