Friday, December 4, 2020

birthday happiness

I had one of the best birthdays yesterday. I spent the day texting and chatting with people I love including Rachel singing the happy birthday song. Really! I was napping when she called so I have a voicemail as proof and I'm keeping it forever. Robert's grandma emailed me a happy birthday, I heard from all my writing pals, family, and friends, and spent some time talking to my dad. Scott and Autumn also facetimed me and sang happy birthday!

Robert surprised me with a popcorn maker. I eat what could be considered an ungodly amount of popcorn (if eating it every day counts, that is). I usually eat it alone so I waste a lot. Plus it's made with oil and I've been trying to eat even healthier than I already do. So now I am the proud owner of an air popper. I will still put too much salt on my popcorn, but baby steps, right? Robert also got me a super fun watercolor paint palette. It's going to bring some fun to my sketches (aka blobs of color happiness).

Because I haven't taken any vacation time since November 2019, I'm at the limit, plus I have floating holidays. So I have a ridiculous amount of time off and I'm going to lose it if I don't use it. So I took a few days off, including my birthday. Robert, however, had to work. So off he went to work, and just like any other day, I worked in my office for a bit (but no library work). I had important things to make with my new watercolor set!

After I worked in my office for a bit I took the dogs for a peaceful and joyful hike. Robert met us afterwards for Panera in the car. I'm pretty sure a nap is the only thing that can result from eating bread and mac n cheese, which is exactly what I did after I got home and brushed the dogs.

Robert surprised me with sushi and frozen custard with more gummy worms than custard for dinner. There were so many gummy worms I never made it to the custard!

It was such a great day. Thanks to the 40 million gummy worms I ate, I didn't get much sleep last night, and I'm back to eating super healthy today. I briefly had a touch of the post-birthday grumps, but there were cards from family in the mailbox so the smile is back! I feel so loved and blessed.

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