Monday, December 28, 2020

an update with some drool thrown in

December has gone by so fast! I am still working mostly from home. My library system is still open with reduced hours. I've been going in for one or two desk shifts a month. At home I have been doing mostly virtual programs and telephone reference. After months of low attendance, I finally made the decision to merge my monthly teen program with another teen program. It was tough to go from a successful in-person teen program to lots of awkward virtual teen programs where 1-3 teens showed up. It was even tougher to cancel the program.

I co-facilitated my first book club discussion ever - a tween book club discussion, and it was interesting. I'm not sure it's my cup of tea. We have lots of virtual book clubs for both adults and kids and they are hugely successful. I've also started helping out with adult writing programs this past season, which has been a lot of fun, and I just wrapped up my first season of virtual storytimes. This spring I'll take a break from storytimes. Oh how I miss in-person storytimes! If I think about it too long I get a little weepy.

As you can see Josie is a little jealous of Wilbur. But Josie loved doing storytimes. Just like with in-person storytimes, I practiced almost every day. And Josie would practice with me. My storytime area was in Rachel's room, which is upstairs. My office is also upstairs. When I would "go" to work every morning Josie would make a beeline for her storytime bed in Rachel's room. She was always ready to do storytime!

In January I'll be helping give my first ever virtual booktalks for a local high school. I've done in-person booktalks for both high schools and middle schools and they were tough but rewarding. I'm always reading a variety of materials but I've been reading mostly teen books this past month so I'm caught up on the new stuff.

I have lots of art projects going. I'm simultaneously trying out new things while working on my existing skills. I've been able to squeeze in a little more time thanks to Robert working extra long hours, having no kids in the house, and not going anywhere. It's been a good time explore, and during the long hours when I'm alone with the dogs it's nice to have something to keep my mind busy.

Here is my newest collage:

I painted the papers first, chopped everything up, and then spent a lot of happy time moving pieces around until they felt right.

Robert is working more than ever. He officially has his first employee for his computer business and the transition has been been smooth but a lot of work. He's also still managing the athletic timing systems for the school districts around us and has been super duper busy. Hopefully soon he has only the equivalent of a job and a half and we can also start traveling again ; ).

Rachel is still in school. She's going through a tough phase and has distanced herself from us. We've made it clear we're here any time she's ready. And so we wait.

Izzy is doing good. She is still in a residential facility and continues to have behavioral issues relating to the trauma she endured. Due to the continued violent outbursts she still cannot come home and we are working through accepting that she may not ever be able to come back home. Her therapist says consistency and repetition are vital so Robert and I have been talking to her almost every day and doing therapy with her once a week. We practice the same ways to express emotions and deal with behavior over and over again, and I think it's starting to stick just a little. She has a lot of work ahead of her but she is tenacious, hopeful, smart, and has enough enthusiasm for at least five people. She is also passing her classes and learning to take the lead on her IEP  (though still including us every step of the way).

Due to COVID-19 we are still unable to have in-person visits but we were able to visit her outside last week during a warm and sunny day. And Margo and Josie joined us!

When I'm not working I've been enjoying taking the girls out for hikes and walks. They bring the sunshine even on the cloudiest days.

Josie is still a little crazy. She has a lot of energy, but she can also be really mellow.

Josie also smiles! She adores Robert, who has a smidgen more patience for her excessive energy.

Margo is my girl. And I am hers. We have a few rituals. One revolves around tea. After I eat I almost always have a cup of tea. Margo patiently waits until I'm finished eating. When I pick up my tea she creeps over and lays her head in my lap for love. She almost always starts drooling and is very particular about how she gets love. Face then neck then butt. Lots of drool. Repeat repeat repeat. I now keep a little box of tissues nearby for the drool. Sometimes I confuse her and drink tea while I'm still eating or I do something terrible and start reading. When this happens she waits patiently until I figure out whatever terrible mistake I've made and I put the food or book down. She has waited as long as five pages for me to come to my senses. I won't break your heart and tell you how she sometimes waits a long time before throwing herself to the floor in total despair.

1 comment:

  1. I’ve always wanted to try better at making collages - looks great!
