Monday, June 29, 2020

Josie The Wonder and Margo The Dud

Josie and Margo will turn 2 on July 2nd and they've really come a long way from being obnoxious and adorable to moderately obnoxious and occasionally adorable. Josie is the sweetheart. She wants everyone to love her and she tries really hard to make everyone happy, but she still has a lot of energy and is incredibly playful. Margo is calmer but stubborn, entitled, and a bit of a jerk. Her idea of a great day would be to sit in a park and watch people and animals. She'll play with toys by herself and sometimes with Josie, but does not like to play with us. She doesn't mind water, but she definitely doesn't love it. Robert and I have recently been calling her a dud of a dog. Robert's been introducing things to her in the hopes she finds something she enjoys, but nope, she's an observer who only gets excited about something if Josie is getting attention for it. In her defense, she has the best face I've ever seen on a dog. 

Neither dog has a favorite person, but they seem to like us and enjoy our company. Wouldn't that be terrible - to choose a dog and they end up detesting you? I remember how Rose instantly latched on to Robert, but also how it took Ella and I three years to latch on to each other. I also remember growing up with cats who didn't like anybody but understood they had food and shelter so they tolerated us.

Recently we discovered two delightful things about Josie that are firsts for us. She has always loved water, but on our walks she has taken to attacking sprinklers. She will also jump up onto any wall that's along our path. She loves to jump.

1 comment:

  1. Ah, cats. Yes! Low maintenance and so easily annoyed.
