Meet the two newest members of our family:

That's right, two!
This little chunkster is Josie:
Josie really enjoyed looking out the window on the way home.
And this hooligan is Margo:
And don't you worry. Miss Ella is still just as spoiled as ever. After picking up the girls, Rachel sacrificed her water on the car ride home.
Naturally, the first person the girls met was Hunter, who is a close friend of ours. She babysits any time we're out of town. Hunter is holding Miss Margo.
Hunter re-potted a neglected plant while she was over and Margo loved the dirt.
Both dogs fell asleep while I cut their nails.
So yes, we might be crazy. But Josie and Margo slept through the night (Robert let them out at 1:30 to go potty though) and have been keeping each other company so I think it was a wise decision.
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