I've borrowed Robert's theme song, BusyBusyBusy, this past month. It's from Sandra Boynton's Philadelphia Chickens.
I've been playing a lot of catch-up from the weeks when the bum knee kept me on my bottom, and I'm officially 100%, biking and playing tennis and all that jazz, just a mere three months after the injury and two months after the surgery. Go me!
Honestly I owe a big part of that 100% to Robert. He was supportive, encouraging and the good kind of pushy, not to mention super caring and attentive. Go Robert!
I also made a trip to Tucson to visit family. These are my favorite pictures!
Chilling at Noble Hops
Scott and I went to afternoon tea at The Chantilly Tea Room for my birthday! We picked out our teacups, drank about 6 pots of tea, ate finger sandwiches and scones and were on our very best behavior.
While Scott and I were at afternoon tea the rest of the family was planning a giant surprise birthday party, complete with princess accessories, which was VERY appropriate because I was in the middle of The Princess Diaries.
We took a lovely stroll through Tohono Chul Park .We celebrated Christmas, and because I mailed my presents I had lots and lots of bubble wrap so naturally we decorated Rusty aka James for Christmas.
Heather liked the present I made for her, which was inspired by the Fancy Nancy books.

And Scott was mobbed several times by their menagerie of dogs (the two pictured here are Bernie and Louie) and our niece, Harper, who has really taken to him.
Miss you