Monday, December 23, 2024

dog joy

Some dog joy to start your week:

Margo met a friend the other day.  Everything terrifies this dog.  Not this mask though.  She did not want to leave it!

Is there anything better than coming across a fluffy and glowing creature from the heavens?  Look at those lip wrinkles!

Or going out for puppuccinos with the windows down in single digit weather?

How about some rare sister cuddles?


  1. I well remember riding around freezing--or getting wet--so one or more dogs could catch the breeze. Believe it or not, the problem never comes up with my current family of five cats. In fact, hell is their concept of being transported in a car.

    1. The difference between cats and dogs when it comes to a lot of things like cars is so wildly opposite! I remember the last time I had cats in a car. They cried so piteously the entire two or so hours. It sounded like they were being tortured.
