Thursday, December 21, 2023

river rafting and napping

I left Robert alone last Sunday morning and naturally, since he was left unsupervised, he bought a river raft.  A thousand pound river raft to be exact.

Our lovely ladies weigh about 80 pounds or so and there have been moments that one completely disappears in the raft.  

I asked Robert if we're going to get rid of one of the other dog beds so we can still walk through the living room.  He looked at me like he was questioning our entire 18+ years together.  

The next day I came home and nearly tripped over a dog bed at the bottom of the stairs.  So now we can walk through the living room but have to squeeze past the dog bed to get into the house.  All you hot lava fans, it's official.  Our house is now the easiest place to play the hot lava game.  You wouldn't even need to jump most of the time.  You could just take a leisurely stroll on dog beds as you laughed at the slivers of hot lava and shouted, "Take that, hot lava!"  

Needless to say, the girls have been very relaxed.  It's exhausting choosing a dog bed.  They have also been handling the hullabaloo that comes with holidays and the end of the year shenanigans the same way they always handle it.  By sleeping and basking in our adoration.  They know that the greatest gift they can give is themselves.  Unless we can't find them because they've disappeared into the mighty river raft.


  1. "He looked at me like he was questioning our entire 18+ years together. "

    I can relate to Robert. Peggy and I have five cats, and cats love boxes, so when we get shipments in boxes, I put dirty clothes in them and scatter them around for the cats to play in and sleep in. Peggy thinks the boxes look bad and take up too much room, so after a few days, she recycles them, pointing out that the cats also have multiple beds and cat trees.

  2. Your house sounds like cat paradise! - Hannah Jane
