I have been very busy with SO many things - preparing for fall programming at the library, starting my third semester of my MLS degree, a couple of all-consuming art projects, soaking up all the hot, evil weather I can before it turns, and working on compiling a chapbook.
Here are a few special moments I don't want to let slip through the cracks.
First, I am behind on my thank-yous! Thank you to Loch Raven Review for publishing Just as I Begin, Willows Wept Review for publishing Panorama, and The Phoenix for publishing Grandma's Kitchen and My Apology. I have mentioned two of these journals prior to this post, but since then I have received physical copies, which is always so exciting. This issue of Loch Raven Review will take a year for me to read it, but I am excited to dive in. You can find it here. You can find the issue of Willows Wept Review I am in here.
One last thing about this picture. I look so much like my brother, Scott in this picture! How cool is that? Does anyone else get super excited when you see people you love the most in pictures of yourself? It never gets old.
I told Robert I wanted to make a caterpillar that helped guide kids and their caregivers through storytime. The face segment is the hello song and the last blue segment is the goodbye song (I've been calling it the bye-bye butt, but not in front of kids!). In-between the hello and goodbye segments are three options and multiple copies of each - song, activity or book. Not shown in this picture is the arrow, which will show patrons where we are at during storytimes. Because storytimes are a little different each time, I'll be able to change up my caterpillar for each storytime. Originally, my plan was to make laminated segments.
Robert and our friend, Josh took it to a whole new level and made the segments on a 3D printer!
Tomorrow I give my first ever outreach storytime at a nearby day school. I am both excited and terrified. I have no idea what the space looks like and only a vague idea of how many sessions and the different age groups. It will be a lesson in going with the flow for me! I packed my traveling storytime bag (and my caterpillar just in case there's a whiteboard big enough). It will be the first storytime of the season. My library starts storytimes back up again next week, so I've been thinking about this outreach storytime like a really crazy practice run.

I have been meeting with the same poetry friends for almost ten years now! I just realized this the last time we met, which is now virtually, so I captured a picture of us. Four out of the seven of us who meet have been meeting for almost ten years, and one of our original four is in her nineties and writes exceptional poetry. We transitioned to meeting virtually during the pandemic and have stayed virtual because three people in our group do not live in Kansas City! Though my life can be crazy busy sometimes, I always look forward to sitting down and talking poetry with this special group of friends.
Margo has been sleeping with her tongue out recently. It is the cutest thing.

Robert and I recently tried out Swimply and rented someone's pool who allowed dogs. Margo and Josie mostly enjoyed Robert carrying them around on the raft.
A few more pictures of the girls in all their cuteness.
Margo doesn't even need to sleep in our bed to steal all the covers.
I love coming up the stairs and seeing this. It never gets old. Her lovely face hanging over the steps.