Thursday, December 1, 2022

feeling good (ish)

Yesterday I started feeling excited about life again hi-yah!  Like a lot of people, I get pretty down and mopey when I'm sick.  I stop being grateful for the small things like our never-ending supply of Kleenex thanks to Robert's concern about us ever running out of it.  Or the never-ending supply of ice cubes for a sore throat (and two pups who need some ice cube happiness because I can't walk them).  Heck, I even forget I have two fluffy love buns to cuddle almost any time I want (unless Margo is moping).  I also have family and friends (some who even read my blog and check in - thank you).  Yesterday, when I was finally starting to feel better I gave myself a stern talking to (it was more like a stern croaking), and I listened to music, and did just one small load of laundry (mostly for my comfort and because I lack self control when it comes to productivity).  

Yesterday was also Spotify Wrapped Day, which I love.  I love the weird genres of music that sometimes crop up and then listening to playlists that spotlight that genre.  My brother got some good ones, including Neo Mellow, which I dived into while working from home today.  

Here are some pictures of my Spotify Wrapped. πŸ’›πŸ’šπŸ’™πŸ’œ

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