Friday, September 25, 2020

free spirit

I started this embroidery project in a weird way. Back when we had in-person programming at the library I did an embroidery workshop for teens. I thought I would spend most of the workshop helping them, but they didn't need as much help as I had anticipated. Another surprising thing happened. One of the teens knew quite a bit about embroidery and she seemed to be enjoying herself, fluttering around the room helping others. I didn't want to intrude too much, so I decided to make something myself. I chose a purple fabric square and orange thread. Little did I know that I would immerse myself in this project so deeply I would feel empty when I finished it.

I usually do a lot of planning prior to any art project I tackle. I am sometimes guilty of planning things to death. This project was a good reminder for me to just go with the flow. Pick up a piece of fabric or paper on a whim and ride it out. It brought out a part of me I didn't know existed, and when I look at it, it's like looking into a mirror that shows that free spirit.