My library system does this really cool thing where we put up picture books at parks around the county for families to read while they go for a walk.
It looks a little like this:

Before this year I think the signs were put up at a park or two over the weekend at the beginning of spring and there would be a party for folks to attend.
Because of the pandemic the lead person in charge of the project, which is called Walk and Read, decided to change things up a bit. And I'm also on the committee now! We've been putting up the stories at two different parks each month and plan to keep going through October. At each park we put up two stories so patrons can read one story when they walk in one direction, and when they turn around, they can read another story going the opposite way.
It's been a lot of fun putting the stories together, and I've enjoyed all the park hopping.
I have two desks in my office - a built-in desk that goes the entire length of one wall and my Grandpa's desk, which sits in the middle of the room. I've been using my Grandpa's desk for the project and it's been a lovely and inviting mess to walk into each day I start work.
We chop up two copies of each book and paste them on poster board with decorative paper. Another person laminates all the signs and then we tape them to foam board before putting them in real estate sign holders. Then, after two weeks, we disassemble the boards and put up new books at a different park. Easy as pie and lots of fun. I know a few patrons who have been park hopping too, following the stories across the county.