Sunday, April 5, 2020

You've got to spread joy up to the maximum

We are doing well! 

Robert and I developed a schedule for Izzy that's helped tremendously. Because her grades were good before spring break she doesn't really need to do anything extra. Her sophomore year is done. But she needs to keep everything she's learned fresh in her mind in addition to continuing the learning itself. Her teachers have been sending her school work and the head of her IEP team has been in constant contact, helping us develop a plan. Robert and I are using a combination of some of her school work with activities we've come up with. We have also transitioned both her primary therapy and the additional therapy and group therapy provided by the county through virtual sessions. We officially have a day-by-day plan for her that we implemented last Wednesday and Izzy's relaxed a bit now that there's structure in her life again. 

Rachel has been slogging through her studies. My office, Robert's office, and Rachel's room are all upstairs. I often peek in her room unless she's in an online class. Chemistry has been tough. I think she was getting a lot of additional help at KU, so that's been a change for her. She does seem to be enjoying one of her design classes and also typography.  I'm enjoying having her at home and definitely feel like I know more about her classes than I did when she was at the university.  Rachel and I also have the same sense of humor, and it's nice to have someone around who laughs at the same stuff I do (mostly we laugh uproariously when random blobs of food hit the floor while we're making dinner). That's the style of humor we have. It goes completely over Izzy's head and Robert just shoots us a stern nerd look. This of course makes whatever silly situation that is happening that much funnier.

Robert's work has slowed a bit now that his clients are set up at home, but he's still working just as much as I am, if not more.  His car broke down just as this was all starting. For a couple years we have been planning on getting new cars but life keeps happening (Europe trip, new child, expanding the nerd business etc.). Because the cost of fixing his car was astronomical we made the decision to purchase a new car. A few months ago Robert also ordered custom desks for his office (a necessary life happening). They were scheduled to be here in May but were delivered last week. So there's been an added layer of chaos with the new shiny things, but we've been enjoying the plethora of desk space in Robert's office for homework, crafting, and library work. I'm sure he'll eventually get his desks back. We've also taken a couple joy rides in the new car, which has offered a nice break (if you call watching all our favorite restaurants struggle to say in business while Robert blares the Pitch Perfect soundtracks a break).

I've been doing well. I've been thoroughly enjoying my library work at home. I miss the patrons and all the interactions with both patrons and coworkers that shapes everything I do, but I've enjoyed spending extra time on projects, brainstorming new ideas/projects, and using my office space (and Robert's) to work on everything while blaring loud rap music (only in my office, which we designed to be mostly sound proof, no joke). I haven't heard a screaming toddler in over two weeks, which is usually my background "music" for work, and it's a nice break. I have been making enormous strides with puppets, slowly learning the ukulele, and leisurely watching videos of amazing people doing extraordinary things with libraries and early literacy. I also have all my side projects and "homeschooling" Izzy to keep me super busy when I'm not librarying.

At the end of the day we all take a long walk with each other and afterwards, settle in with dinner and Star Trek (NG). I'm enjoying my family and am taking it one day at a time. 

Before COVID-19 I walked maybe 1-2 miles each work day and on the weekends, 3-5 miles a day. Now we're walking 2-4 miles most work days and about 5-7 miles on the weekends. It's a great way to casually talk about what's going on with everybody, whereas at dinner it can sometimes feel like an interrogation with Rachel and Izzy.

Occasionally our schedules don't line up and we can't all walk together. The rule is everyone has to take the dogs out every day, even if it's just around the block. This means the dogs are occasionally getting three walks a day. They've been a lot more mellow because of this.

Robert and I have braved the store twice since this started. Both times we had several meal plans in case the store was out of something we needed for a recipe. We are only making tried and true recipes during this time, which is sad for me because I like trying new things. But I am super thankful I began compiling all our favorite recipes in two places a few months ago. I've been scanning/taking pictures of all the recipes we love and also keep them in an official binder. Making meal plans has been super easy because of this. One of our favorite things has been this kale salad recipe I got from a coworker several years ago. We also add pepper and slivered almonds to it. It's amazing and all four of us love it, which is close to a miracle. The only other meal we can all agree on is baked chicken and broccoli. 

We bought all the kale we could find the last time we shopped and tripled the recipe. It's like eating sunshine.

Here is one desk Robert put together and he's hard at work putting the other one together in this picture. With his old desk (which was my grandma's), he now has three desks, which is hopefully enough to put all the computers he's working on (and Izzy's homework and whatever crafting/library thing I'm working on).

Ella has been relishing the extra attention. She loves when Rachel is home. When I come downstairs to take a tea break I usually find Rachel snuggled up with Ella during one of her breaks. Rachel has even fallen asleep this way. Ella likes her quiet time, but loves all the extra love we've been able to smother her with.

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