I must admit I'm quite fearful of South America after reading Atlas Obscura. With places like The North Yungas Death Road, The Island of the Dolls, and The Cave of Swallows (which really should be called The Cave of Scary Creepy Crawly Things), I had a few nightmares during the South America chapter. However, as scared as I am to visit South America again (I've been to Guatemala), I finished the South America chapter and found myself wanting more. That's the beauty of Atlas Obscura. Whether you're packing your bags and ready to drop everything to visit one of the world's many strange places, or you're mentally crossing off an entire continent on your travel list, there's just enough information to leave you wanting more, and you will definitely want more. I love books like this, books that send me on a wild goose chase through the stacks of libraries, searching for additional information.
Though South America was a bit frightening for my travel tastes, there were many places from Atlas Obscura I would love to visit. I wouldn't mind visiting most of the crypts and cemeteries mentioned, such as the dog cemetery in France or the Hanging Coffins in Sagada (though I'm banking on the invention of teleportation by the time I go so I can skip the long, perilous journey). There were also several places I thought only existed in fairytales, such as the Forestiere Underground Gardens in California and Paronella Park in Queensland, Australia. I had just as much fun reading Atlas Obscura as I did adding places to my existing bucket list, which is now many pages long thanks to this book. Intriguingly enough, there are many places listed in this book that are not open to visitors. What a tease! Many places also require several modes of travel, both conventional (planes) and not so conventional (zip lining).
Atlas Obscura will take a long time to read, so I recommend reading it slowly. I also recommend leaving it out on the coffee table, because the conversations it ignites are just as strange and delightful as the book. And when you finish reading it, don't forget to read the imaginative organization of its content just in case you're interested in say, Very Large Things or Self-Built Castles and you want to make sure you didn't miss anything.
This sounds like a really interesting book!