We've been very busy with home stuff. Both our master closet and mudroom are finished! As soon as the master bath is done we will finally be able to move all of our clothes and toiletries downstairs. We're crossing our fingers that the master bath is finished this weekend. And because we're hopeful, we moved quite a bit of stuff down today (after another backbreaking round of thorough cleaning).
This is the entryway to the mudroom!
And here is my side of the closet!
Because Rachel joined the International Baccalaureate this year, she is spending way way way more time studying. She's doing an amazing job, and we are so incredibly proud of her. We have noticed that she is easily distracted however, and really needs her own place to study. We were originally going to set up a desk in her room but there were two problems with that. First, she needs a place to get away from it all and sleep. Also, her room is upstairs and her homework help hangs out downstairs. So we talked with Rachel about the idea of setting up a desk area in the guest bedroom, which is on the first floor, and she loved the idea. Robert and I flew through ikea last Monday, and Robert put all the furniture together at lightning fast speed. Really. He was a beast! Last night we revealed the space to her, and she seemed quite pleased!

Today is also Mole Day!! So what the heck does that mean? The Mole is a unit of measurement and Mole Day commemorates Avogadro's Number, which is 6.02 x 10^23 (Avogadro is a famous, very dead scientist). Rachel has been preparing for this day for awhile. Last year she participated in Mole day, and this year, as a Junior, she helped organize it. Because the party started at 6:02 AM, she was out of the house before I was even awake!
Here's this year's Mole Day shirt:

So yes, there has been much excitement here as we nest a little more in our house that's so very close to being finished. And I'm so hopeful Rachel loves her study space. She is already doing awesome things in there. Like her self portrait.

Amazing, huh?
Astounding!!! As one who early-on recognized I'd never be a worthy parent, it's tales such as this that give hope for our (humans') future. Mega congrats to you all!! Onward Moles!!!