Tuesday, October 1, 2024

flopping, walking, glaring, & despairing

September was a flurry of emotions, acceptance, soul searching, doctor appointments, and family.  There is still this profound grief that occasionally completely knocks me flat out.  I've been figuring out who I am and using all my imagination to take a deep look at whether there's anything left to me if I am no longer a library worker.  Every day I have a different answer to this.  It's really important to me to know I'm giving more than I'm taking from this world.  Right now I'm just existing and brainstorming and trying.  Having a messed up gut also isn't helping things.

Needless to say, I didn't do any blogging in September, so here are a few pictures from last month.

There are some who still don't believe me when I tell them these sweet dogs of mine can give the bitchiest looks.  Finally, I have a picture where there's absolutely no doubt.  Any time there is cleaning going on, I stack all the dog beds.  Sometimes I don't unstack them in time, and the dogs have to lay on several dog beds at once.  It's one of the worst crimes a human can commit.  I wasn't even in the same room when I felt Margo give me this look.  Her glare penetrated several walls and bored a hole of disgust deep into my soul.

There have been lovely moments too.  Josie is a pro fountain flopper.  She takes turns napping and attacking the jets.  September was pretty hot, so there was a lot more napping. 

Occasionally the dogs cuddle each other without noticing it.  They usually figure out they are touching each other by the time I take a picture.  Not this time!  I believe we have our second official cuddle picture.

My brother, Scott, and my niece, Savannah, came to visit, which was exhausting due to Savannah not feeling 100%, but it was also a lot of fun.  We visited my Dad, and Savannah loved all of his cats.  We also went for walks and enjoyed some play time at the playgrounds.